
Can I have chickens (poultry) or other class III animals on my property?

White Lake Zoning ordinance Use Standards 4.0

Sec 4.2
C. Class III Animal: Rabbits (which are not maintained or kept as domesticated household pets); animal considered as poultry, and other animals weighing less than 75 pounds not specifically classified herein. Class III animals may be maintained in the AG and SF zoning districts, provided that Class III animals shall only be permitted on a premises having two (2) or more acres.


Sec 4.2
b. Class III Animals:
(1) Class III animals shall be provided with a structure having a minimum size of four (4) square feet per animal, provided, that in the event that animal stalls, cages, etc., are constructed on more than one floor, level or layer, square footage shall be computed by counting the area on each floor, level or layer separately.

Set backs

G. Animals of Class II and Class III shall be restricted to areas on the premises upon which they are being maintained no less than seventy five (75) feet from the nearest residential lot line, other than AG, or any neighboring dwelling unit in any zoning classification district, said restricted area to include areas in which animals are fenced or otherwise restrained and structures required to house, care for, and maintain animals. Structures for housing, sheltering, and/or maintaining of Class II and Class III animals shall be no less than seventy five (75) feet from the nearest lot line, regardless of zoning classification district.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact our Ordinance Officer at 248-698-3300 ext. 134.